To give a child a CASA volunteer

is to give them a voice. To give

them a voice is to give them

hope, and to give them hope is

to give them the world. I believe

that with all my heart.
— Pamela, former foster child

Right now, more than 60% of the children in foster care and family court system do not have a CASA volunteer to represent their best interests. That’s hundreds of thousands of children who don’t have the kind of hope only a CASA volunteer can provide. The next year hundreds of thousands more children still will be lost. And the year after that. Until each child turns 18, and is left to their own, often less-than-sufficient devices. These are not just statistics, these are children’s lives. 

400,000 children in America are still waiting for their CASA volunteer. Waiting for that one trusted adult who will stick with them until their case is resolved.Waiting because today CASA for Children can serve only 35% of the children in the foster care system. You can help change that number.